Saturday, March 31, 2012

Direct Sales Business Leads - Marketing Facebook Groups ...

Deb on FacebookNow I am not saying you should join groups for the purpose of ONLY networking and marketing your direct sales home business.

The purpose of Facebook niche groups is so that like minded individuals can collaborate.

Do some searches in the Facebook search bar for groups that love what your products represent.

  • Kitchen Tools = Recipe Groups
  • Jewelry, Cosmetics, Nail Care = Fashion Groups
  • Vitamin, Anti-Aging, Sports Clothing = Healthy Lifestyle Groups

facebook groupsAfter being accepted to the group, add value to the community and make friends just like you would if you were networking at a live meet up event offline.

Who is your ideal client?

Chances are you have a lot in common so it will easy to become friends!

Marketing In Groups = May Get kicked Out

When you make friends and add value you will also create desire for your product.

Some groups will kick you out if your total purpose there is marketing. Other groups have only one purpose and that is to market your products. Those groups oftentimes are not frequented by real people, just marketers. Not much real engagement in the group,? just a steady stream of links.

Just like your Facebook fan page should not be all about ?buy this, join my company, buy this, we are wonderful? neither should your activities in a group.

Direct Sales Business Leads In Facebook Groups

I find a lot of leads in Facebook Groups.

My ideal customer is a direct sales consultant: YOU!

So I belong to many groups where direct sales consultants hang out. I contribute, add value, make friends and only drop a link when asked for more information.

It works perfectly!!

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Personal Finance Daily: States that are tax-friendly for retirees | Odd ...

By MarketWatch

Don?t miss these top stories:

Is the state where you?re planning to retire tax-friendly? Robert Powell takes a close look at how all the states tax many different types of retirement income, and comes up with a list of which are the least burdensome. His report includes his column, a slide show on the best states, from a tax perspective, as well as extensive state-by-state data. How does your state measure up?

Also on MarketWatch today, Kristen Gerencher has an interview with Dr. David Agus, an oncologist, professor of medicine and author. He has 10 surprising tips on how to avoid altogether or delay many types of cancer.

Anne Stanley
, Managing Editor, Personal Finance

Buy Gold Earrings

You?re invited: MarketWatch ETF event

If you?re in the San Francisco Bay Area and you?re interested in exchange-traded funds, we?d like to invited you to a free live event in April. Join us for an evening of cocktails and conversation about the risks and opportunities of trading ETFs. Our guest panelists will be Tom Lydon, president of Global Trends Investments and editor of; John Nyaradi, publisher of Wall Street Sector Selector; and Jim Wiandt, publisher and chief executive of, Exchange-Traded Funds Report and Journal of Indexes. The event will be on the evening of Tuesday, April 17, in downtown San Francisco. To get more details and RSVP, send an email to
by Tuesday, April 10.

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Most tax-friendly states for retirees

Is the state that you have designs on retiring to tax friendly or not? And the basic questions to answer are these: How does the state tax your income? How does it tax your property and your consumption? And what?s the overall tax burden?

Read more: Most tax-friendly states for retirees.

10 surprising steps to staying cancer-free

When it comes to fighting cancer, the good news is that many kinds are subject to delay or avoidance by making smart life-style choices. Some of the behavioral tweaks recommended by a leading cancer doctor may surprise you.

Read more: 10 surprising steps to staying cancer-free.

30-year fixed-rate mortgage back under 4%

Rates on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages fell back below 4% this week, after weaker housing economic indicators were released, Freddie Mac?s chief economist said on Thursday.

Read more: 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage back under 4%.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

On My Family Tree ? ashleysthought

When I started writing this blog initially, I used to write a lot more about my family. I got some of the best feedback from stories about my?mother and my childhood. After a bit, a few people who read this, that I actually know in real life started emphasizing how my family would feel if they were to read?it. Then I felt bad. I felt like I shouldn?t be having a very public, world-wide laugh at their expense. Most days I still feel like that, but not today. The fact of the matter is that this shit is true. I couldn?t make this up if I tried.

I had received some emails?with questions about what the rest of my family was like and what kind of childhood?I had. This is my family tree.

My Mother

Some?of you have read my earlier posts where I mentioned my mother. People have told me that she would be great for a sitcom or a movie character.?It?s a nice thought, but she actually exists in real life. TV could never capture her. When I was younger, my mother was a very unhappy woman. Truthfully, she?was dealt a really shitty deck of cards. No one?could have played them well. I remember driving with my mother, in a car that had been?sold to her for $500 on the?front yard?of a trailer park, and complaining?about her?smoking with the windows rolled up. It would make me sick and I could tell when I went to school that my clothes reeked. I remember so clearly how she turned, looked at me and said, ?cigarettes are the only joy I have in my life.? I was in second grade, but I knew that meant her life really sucked. I figured if that was the only joy she had I shouldn?t mind the 3 packs she smoked every day. I don?t have a single childhood image of her without?a cigarette in? her mouth. This woman washed her hair with one hand and smoked a cigarette with the other. There are still burn marks on the side of her bathtub. If you?re familiar with my early posts, you also know that she has a tramp stamp and a few other bad tattoos. They are in very poor taste, but they truly reflect her life story. She was a single mother, raising 3 kids that she never hesitated to tell a person were all ?mistakes.? She wasn?t home much because she was out working shitty jobs and making no money. There were lots of boyfriends,?even?a?couple engagements, some stints with drugs and?various?mental health disorders. I was well into my twenties before I realized that she wasn?t as much of a complete bitch, as she was a trooper. I moved out of her house when I was 14 and didn?t really have a relationship with her until the past year or so, after I broke up with my ex. I figured if anyone knew about failed relationships, it was her. I had been out of touch with her for so long, that she had become a completely new and different mom. Mom4GS. She got married to a nice guy, renovated her house and found herself in a career. She really got her shit straightened out and I?m happy for her. Sometimes it?s still weird. I?m thankful I got the chance to meet her again.

My Father

My father is arguably the most hardworking man alive. In fact, he is so hardworking that one day, when I was 8 years old, he went to work and never came back again. He must be putting in a lot of overtime. When he didn?t come home the first few days, I knew that he was gone for good. People always ask if I worried that he had been hurt or kidnapped or something, but usually when that happens people don?t clear out their drawers and pack their bags. It made things really difficult on my mom. His disappearance catapulted the?series of misfortune that was to come in the years ahead. bankruptcy, abusive boyfriends and things of that nature. I had to go to a very exclusive group at my school called, ?Banana Splits.? It was run by the guidance counselor. Any time there were family days or activities, we would get pulled out of the room to talk about our ?feelings.? It was supposed to be discreet, but it didn?t come close. On the last day of school, the counselor let us eat banana splits to replace the dad deficit. That is the best logic I could ever get from it. There were lots of times growing up and even sometimes now, when I could have really used a dad. I still have not seen or heard from him since he went to work that day. It?s been 17 years.

My Older Brother

Ugh, god. What do I say about this kid? Dumb as a rock?no. ?He is my brother and I love him. However, it?s not easy. He is living with an imaginary disease?that causes him to be 17 years old for the rest of his life. While eating with him at a restaurant one time, he had this to say about his diet, ?I only eat once a day because I only?like really unhealthy food. I would never eat a fruit or vegetable. I usually just eat cheese steaks and shit. If I only eat once a day, it?s healthier and I won?t get as fat.? No, he wasn?t kidding. That is probably the most well thought out conversation he?s had in years. He is perfectly happy, approaching 30 and serving soup and salad combos at Olive Garden. I?m still learning to get off his case. If he?s happy, that?s good enough.

My Younger Brother

My younger brother is the nicest, most kind-hearted person who ever called in a bomb scare and got expelled from school. I mean that. He?s an amazing artist and an amazing stoner. He is covered head to toe in tattoos and piercings. People often get this hard ass impression of him, but that couldn?t be farther from the truth. He is really sensitive and loving. When we were in high school,?(pre-expulsion) he cried when our hermit crab died. It?s still buried somewhere in our mother?s backyard. He is still lazy and mooching, but he?s becoming more of a productive member of society. Thank God.

My Maternal Grandparents

My grandfather lived with us much of our lives, though we didn?t see or speak to him that often. I know. This is still a piece that boggles my mind as well. He was a man?s man.?Worked in construction, hung out at?the?Elks and drank a ton of booze. The booze is probably the reason we needed a babysitter even if he was home. I remember staying up late at night when my friends would sleep over and we would have to be quiet so we didn?t bother him. We would wait to see him stumble out of his room inebriated, in his underwear, and scratch his back against the wall, like a bear.?A very drunk bear.?He chewed Red Man tobacco and signed?his?Christmas cards?using his first and last name, never grandpa.?His gallbladder burst and poisoned his whole body about two years ago.?50+?years of hardcore booze ended up killing him. When I think of him,?I feel like I never got the chance to know him as well as I should have, but I still smile and?laugh.??

My grandmother is still alive and well. I believe she owns record-breaking amounts of swishy?jump suits and Reebok sneakers. I lived with her off and on a lot through my life. I was a teenager by the time I realized she had ever been married to my grandfather. They were completely opposite people, I could never imagine them being together. Although my grandmother is very dainty and cute, in an old lady way, she is also much like Stone Cold Steve Austin. It?s almost like she has no emotion at all. She blinks a lot and has very dry skin. She doesn?t cry or say I love you.?Her ring finger on her left hand is missing because when she was on her honeymoon 120 years ago, she was going down a water slide and her wedding ring got caught on a tiny hook that was used to?hinge covers over the slide. She continued down the water slide and when she got into the pool, she had to go back up to retrieve her finger. Medicine then wasn?t what it is today so they couldn?t reattache?the finger. You always know when my grandmother is around because her glove only has 3 fingers on it. She?s always cold. She has spent more than half of her life giving the shocker.

My Paternal Grandparents

It is difficult to mention these two because I only met them twice in my life and it was prior to age 8. They are from Ohio. The first time I met them, we had to make the trip to visit my grandfather in the hospital. He was severely diabetic and due to complications, he was having his leg amputated from the knee down. We got there the day before the surgery. I remember?seeing him for the first time?in a hospital bed and not being able to take my eyes off?the leg. Due to lack of oxygen in the extremity, it was solid black from the knee down. To this day, I don?t think I?ve ever seen anything that scary.?A few years later, we visited for his funeral.?My grandmother is still alive, but refuses to talk to us. I don?t know why, but truthfully I don?t care enough to find out.

My Miscellaneous Brothers

I was about 12 when this boy came knocking on my door, looking for my dad. I had to let him know that we hadn?t seen or heard from him in years at that point. He went on to tell me that he was my brother. A half-brother. What was more bizarre, is that he has the same first, middle and last name as my older brother. This new brother was about 3 years older than my older brother.?Confusing, I know. ?Apparently, my father had abandoned their family as well and this kid came looking for him because he wanted to punch him in the face. This new brother also has a brother. So?I have a grand total of two half brothers. One of which I have still never met.

To top it off, when my mother got married, I gained two step brothers. They are very nice boys who love to hunt/fish/kill everything. It is difficult for me to find common ground with these guys. I use my fall back plan and get them drunk whenever we are together. One of them is getting close to turning 21. The other is still a few years away.

My Drunk Step-Uncle

This gem also came into my family when my mother got married. This guy is perhaps the drunkest?man alive. He?s had two heart attacks. I love seeing him because he reminds me of a cartoon character. He has a blonde ponytail and rosy cheeks. Regardless of season, he is always wearing a sleeveless t-shirt, cut off denim shorts and untied work boots. He has a very bad stutter. On Memorial Day last year, I had gone to a picnic at my mother?s house. Somewhere around 2pm, this drunk step-uncle came screeching into the drive way. He parked on the grass and somehow, fell face first out of the passenger door of his car. When he walked up to the area we were sitting, it looked almost as if he was fighting gravity. I filmed it. After he grabbed a beer and said the N word a few times, he told us why he was in such bad shape. Apparently, the mexicans who live in the trailer across from his had been making a lot of noise and bothering him. He went over to their house to ?cuss them out? and they let their dogs attack him. He explained that he shouldn?t have gone over there after finishing both a 30 pack and a 12 pack that afternoon. That?s 42 beers before 2pm. He has become a wonderful addition to this family tree.


You can dispute the accuracy of this if you want, but I don?t have much else to say. This is my family.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Court won't reconsider bone marrow payments ruling

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[ [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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McCain predicts "huge" U.S. campaign finance scandals (reuters)

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Slain teen's friends say he never picked a fight

FILE - This undated family photo shows Trayvon Martin. College students around Florida rallied Monday, March 19, 2012, to demand the arrest of a white neighborhood watch captain who shot the unarmed teen in February, though authorities may be hamstrung by a state law that allows people to defend themselves with deadly force. (AP Photo/Martin Family, File)

FILE - This undated family photo shows Trayvon Martin. College students around Florida rallied Monday, March 19, 2012, to demand the arrest of a white neighborhood watch captain who shot the unarmed teen in February, though authorities may be hamstrung by a state law that allows people to defend themselves with deadly force. (AP Photo/Martin Family, File)

In this undated photo provided by the Martin family, shows Trayvon Martin snowboarding. Martin, 17 of Miami Springs, Fla., was killed by a neighborhood watchman following an altercation in Sanford, Fla. as he walked from a convenience store in February, 2012. (AP Photo/Martin Family)

In this undated photo provided by the Martin family, Trayvon Martin holds an unidentified baby. Martin, 17 of Miami Springs, Fla., was killed by a neighborhood watchman following an altercation in Sanford, Fla. as he walked from a convenience store in February, 2012. (AP Photo/Martin Family, File)

MIAMI (AP) ? Wearing a hoodie. Listening to music and talking on his cellphone. Picking up Skittles for his soon-to-be stepbrother. Friends say that's how they would have imagined 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on a Sunday afternoon.

Starting a fight? Possibly high on drugs and up to no good? No, friends say that description of Martin from the neighborhood crime-watch volunteer who shot and killed the unarmed black teenager doesn't match the young man they knew.

"There's no way I can believe that, because he's not a confrontational kid," said Jerome Horton, who was one of Martin's former football coaches and knew him since he was about 5. "It just wouldn't happen. That's just not that kid."

Martin was slain in the town of Sanford on Feb. 26 in a shooting that has set off a nationwide furor over race and justice. Neighborhood crime-watch captain George Zimmerman, whose father is white and mother is Hispanic, claimed self-defense and has not been arrested, though state and federal authorities are still investigating.

Since his death, Martin's name and photographs ? in football jerseys, smiling alongside a baby, and staring into the camera in a gray hoodie ? have been held up by civil rights leaders and at rallies stretching from Miami to New York demanding Zimmerman's arrest.

On Friday, President Barack Obama called the shooting a tragedy, vowed to get to the bottom of the case, and added: "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids."

That sentiment was echoed by NBA star by Dwyane Wade, who along with his Miami Heat teammate LeBron James tweeted photos of themselves in hoodies in a show of solidarity.

"As a father, this hits home," said Wade, who has 10- and 4-year-old sons.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Friday that Martin's killing reflects "the classic struggle of our time" and said it echoes the slaying of Emmitt Till, a 14-year-old from Chicago who was murdered in 1954 while visiting Mississippi by a group of white men. No one was ever convicted, but Till's killing galvanized the civil rights movement.

Jackson said he will speak at a Sanford-area church Sunday and then attend a rally in the city Monday.

An Orlando criminal defense attorney who says he represents Zimmerson told CNN on Friday that his client isn't racist and the facts will show he acted in self-defense after a fight with the teen.

"I don't believe that George Zimmerman's a racist or that this was motivated by a dislike for African-Americans," said Craig Sonner.

Since the slaying, a portrait has emerged of Martin as a laid-back young man who loved sports, was extremely close to his father, liked to crack jokes with friends and, according to a lawyer for his family, had never been in trouble with the law.

The son of divorced parents, he grew up in working-class neighborhoods north of Miami's downtown. He and his father, a truck driver, were active in the Miramar Optimist Club, an organization that runs sports and academic programs for young people. Tracy Martin, the teen's father, coached his son's football team.

The boy was a swift athlete, according to a friend, and played a range of positions up to about age 14. After he stopped playing, he remained active in the organization, volunteering six days a week from June through November of last year to help run the team's concession stand.

Martin cooked hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken wings alongside his father at the stand. He loved talking to the kids, asking them what position they played and whether they were good, Horton recalled. He would call the mothers "Ma'am," and if they had a stroller or an item they needed help with, Martin stepped in.

"Everyone out there loved him," Horton said.

Martin was tall and lanky ? only 140 pounds, according to the family's attorney ? and his nickname was "Slimm."

The teen spent a big part of his week living with his father in a one-story, peach-colored home. Neighbor Fred Collins Jr. said he would see Trayvon Martin outside every week mowing the lawn and trimming the trees. The teen also helped Collins' son learn how to ride a bike.

"He was coaching him, giving him words of advice, encouragement," Collins said.

No one answered the door on a recent afternoon, and a child's plastic tricycle sat in the driveway.

Tracy Martin often recounted how his son saved his life. The elder Martin had begun heating up some oil to fry fish and fell asleep. The grease caught fire, and when Tracy Martin awoke and tried to put out the flames, he spilled the oil on his legs, severely burning himself. Trayvon Martin pulled his father out of the home and called 911.

Martin's parents kept a close eye on him, but they didn't have to be too strict, since he stayed out of trouble, Collins said. However, he had recently been suspended from school for five days for tardiness, his English teacher, Michelle Kypriss, told the Orlando Sentinel. School officials did not respond to a request for comment.

Martin's father was not happy and grounded the teen for the duration of the suspension.

Trayvon "knew he was wrong," Horton said.

Under state privacy law, only serious felonies appear on juveniles' public criminal records, and Martin did not have one. Citing the same law, Sanford police Sgt. David Morgenstern said he could neither confirm nor deny the family's statement that Martin had never gotten in legal trouble.

Martin dreamed of becoming a pilot. He had flown on school vacations to various places around the country with his mother, skiing in Colorado one year, going off to Texas another.

"There's no little black kids that want to be pilots," Horton joked with him when he was about 13.

"Well, I'll be the first one," the teen replied.

At Dr. Michael M. Krop High School, where Martin was a junior, he was on the quiet side, but he would sit in the middle of the classroom, participate in class and especially liked math.

Schoolmates remembered his humorous side.

"Brrrrian!" he would call out, rolling his r's as is done in Spanish, whenever 16-year-old Brian Paz got a phone call from his Colombian mother, the friend recalled.

"I'd just burst out laughing," Paz said.

Paz and other friends said Martin liked rap music and funny movies. He had written some lyrics, though he hadn't had a chance yet to perform them. Martin was especially a fan of a student musical group at his school called Bison. He had two of the group's pins on his backpack and helped spread the word about shows.

John Emmanuel, 17, said the group was about encouraging young men to be strong, independent leaders.

"That's how we liked to think of ourselves," Emmanuel said.

Martin had gone up to Sanford to visit his father's fianc?e, who lived there with her young son. Friends said Martin regarded the boy as his little brother and had been looking forward to watching the NBA All-Star game with him that weekend.

On that Sunday, Martin went out to get candy and an iced tea at a convenience store and was walking back to the fiancee's townhouse. Zimmerman, 28, spotted him and told a police dispatcher: "This guy looks like he is up to no good ? he is on drugs or something."

After the shooting, Zimmerman claimed that Martin attacked him as he was returning to his truck.

But Martin's friends said they find that hard to believe. They said they had never seen him fight at all.

"As far as attacking the guy without him attacking him, no way," Horton said.

Associated Press


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

VA SHORE: Woman enraged after ... - Dog Lovers Center

VA SHORE: Woman enraged after Chincoteague Police officer shoots her pet dog
News from Delmarva Daily Times:

CHINCOTEAGUE ? A town police officer who shot and wounded a family dog that he felt was trying to attack him has come under fire by the dog?s owner, who feels it was too severe a reaction.

?My question is why did the police officer use a gun and not his Mace, his Taser or his stick, or call animal control,? said Amy McDonald, who was visiting her father on Chincoteague Island when the incident happened.

Chincoteague Police Chief Eddie Lewis said the dog, a pit bull just over a year old, was running at large with another of McDonald?s dogs and had cornered a nearby resident and his son in a barn when police arrived.

The shot dog, named Bullet, and his brother ?were coming down the lane and one of them growled? at the officer, said Lewis.

?He never backed down,? he said of the dog, which was not on McDonald?s father?s property at the time of the shooting.

?She claimed the dogs were playful and they well may be with her,? Lewis said, adding the officer, Cpl. Kenneth Reese, ?just didn?t have a whole lot of time to react.?

The gunshot hit the dog in the jaw and chest. McDonald and her 8-year-old daughter were driving around trying to find the dogs when they heard it about 150 yards away.

?We heard the dog yelp with the gunshot,? she said. ?The dogs were so scared they ran all the way back to the house.?

McDonald took t????? continues on Delmarva Daily Times

? Read the full article

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Marco Island?s dog park breeds discontent with aggressive owners/aggressive pets
News from Naples Daily News:

Well-mannered Dylan, black and white, shares a dog kiss with Levi under the watchful eye of Dylan?s owner at Canine Cove on Wednesday. Cheryl Ferrara / Eagle Correspondent

? Stacy Needles said she?s heard it from clients. Some breeds at Mackle Park?s Canine Cove have mean streaks. In one incident, a pet dog was bitten and injured by a Rottweiler, she said.

Marco Island?s Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee discussed dog park complaints during its Tuesday meeting. Alex Galiana, recreation supervisor, led the discussion.

Of the 30 to 50 dogs that use the park per day, Galiana said he receives only one or two complaints in each two-week period.

?The chairman of City Council is there every day,? he said, ?and he says it works pretty well.?

Galiana checked with other dog parks in Collier and Lee counties to see if they have aggressive dog policies. None of them do, he said. Naples attempted to identify dogs using its park and has been successful in registering 1,800. However, park personnel told Galiana it was a colossal mistake and a nightmare for staff.

The committee agreed the two parks in Canine Cove????? continues on Naples Daily News

? Read the full article

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Summit lockdown frustrates Baghdad residents

Hosting an Arab summit may be Iraq's way of opening up after years of conflict, but Baghdad residents have been left smarting as swathes of the city have been largely shut down for it to do so.

The Iraqi capital's already snarled traffic has all but ground to a halt, and the government has declared a week of holidays on the days surrounding the March 27-29 summit to encourage residents to stay at home.

Prices at markets, where people have flocked to buy supplies to avoid having to venture too far from home, have shot up as short-term demand has soared and the time required to bring in new goods has lengthened because of tighter checkpoint searches and longer traffic queues.

"Prices have doubled because of the transport crisis," said Mehdi Jassim, who was shopping at a greengrocer's shop in Baghdad's central commercial district of Karrada.

Blaming authorities for going ahead with plans to host the summit, the first Arab League meeting to be held in Iraq since now-executed dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, Jassim said: "Politicians are just looking after their own interests, not the people's."

Muhanad Ali, 30, complained that the price of his regular food purchases had as much as tripled.

"The expenses for this summit would have been better spent on improving public services," the labourer said, alluding to Baghdad's frequent power cuts, patchy main water supply and poor sewerage.

Officials have trumpeted their hosting of the summit as evidence of Iraq's relative stability after decades of conflict and sanctions, a sign that it is ready to play a leadership role in the Arab world.

But insurgent groups have nevertheless been able to mount massive attacks, including a wave of shootings and bombings, claimed by Al-Qaeda, that left 50 dead nationwide on Tuesday.

Among the attacks was a car bomb that exploded in a car park directly opposite the foreign ministry.

In response, security forces have closed off several key roads and most of the bridges that traverse the Tigris River, and drafted in thousands of extra police and soldiers to bolster security.

As part of tougher and more numerous checkpoint searches, security forces are checking passing vehicles that have licence plates similar to those on printed lists of suspected insurgents.

As a result, the time taken for trips around the city, already famed for its gridlock, has increased substantially, with residents reporting trips to work now taking several hours when previously they took less than one.

"I spent five hours going from Dora (in the south) to central Baghdad," Abu Mohammed, a 44-year-old taxi driver, lamented. "I usually only need half an hour to travel this distance.

"My petrol tank is already practically empty," he complained, as his car sat in stationary mid-morning traffic.

Prices of fruit and vegetables at markets have shot up -- where bananas used to cost 1,000 Iraqi dinars (85 cents) a kilo (2.2 pounds), for example, they now sell for twice as much.

Tomatoes or aubergines now cost 2,000 dinars per kilo, up from 500 dinars just days ago at one vegetable store in Hurriyah, north Baghdad.

"The difficulty of moving around, and the increased transport costs, have forced me to raise my prices substantially," said the shop's owner, Abu Hassan.

Daily tasks are not the only ones to suffer because of the tougher security, with Iraq's football federation suspending league fixtures until April 3.

"These security measures make transport difficult for the teams, and they cannot reach stadiums in Baghdad," Tariq Ahmed, acting general secretary of the Iraqi Football Association, told AFP.

Road closures are likely to worsen in the coming days. Although officials insist Iraq's forces are capable of maintaining security for the summit, they admit they may need to effectively shut down Baghdad.

Security forces have mooted the possibility of a city-wide curfew on the final day of the meeting, originally scheduled for a year ago but postponed because of regional turmoil resulting from the Arab Spring uprisings as well as concerns over Iraq's ability to secure the summit.

Back in Karrada, 60-year-old Munir Hashim was dismissive of Iraqi leaders' backing of plans to host the summit.

"What is the benefit to the Iraqi citizen?" the pensioner asked.

"The people are looking for something that serves them," he said, adding: "What is going to be accomplished if Arab presidents do come?"


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

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Basically, the various ways of responding during a negotiation fit into three different categories.

1. Take it or leave it.
The simplest way to respond in a negotiation is with a "yes" or "no" to the proposal.

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2. Split the difference.
Another valid response is to split the difference or find middle ground between two positions.

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The third way to respond is to offer or ask for a trade-off in one area in order to hold one's ground in another area. The parties have to know what is really important to them. Many of these trade-offs are non-monetary and involve personal issues.

For example, the seller may want his son to be able to stay with the company or may want a guarantee that the buyer will not move the company. In either of these situations, the seller may accept a lower price offered by the buyer as a trade for accepting such a condition.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Network marketing ? Utilizing Podcasting For getting Sales ...

Posted by admin on March 18, 2012 in Uncategorized with No Comments

Many who?ve been enjoying the installation of the internet within a minimal cost for those past decade come in for a giant surprise. Whether you then have a real business office or preserve an office within the virtual environment only, your business interest requires a back-up.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Electronic commerce Commonly Known As E-commerce | Finance ...

The process of buying and selling of products or services online is commonly termed as electronic commerce known as e-commerce. Developing, marketing, selling, delivering, servicing and paying everything can be under this process. Because of the extensive usage of internet now days the quantity of trade that is done online has increased. Commerce is used in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, inventory management system and automated data collection. World Wide Web is the major tool and is used at least once in the transaction and e-mail, mobile devices and telephones are so widely used.

Most of the e-commerce is done in virtual form but also does transportation of physical products. E-tailers are online retailers and e-tail is retail and the World Wide Web Consists of almost all big retailers. There are different kinds of e-commerce. E-commerce between two businesses is called B2B or Business to Business Which can be either open to all or for specific qualifiers. The e-commerce between businesses and consumers is termed as business-to-consumer or B2C. Here the buyer is directly in contact with the business like online shopping. There is no presence of intermediary service in most of the cases. E-commerce Involves the sales and the transfer of data to enable the financial transactions of businesses. Some applications where e-commerce is used are document automation, domestic and international payment systems, buying group messaging, instant, enterprise content management, teleconferencing, electronic tickets, etc. Data integrity and security are burning issues in electronic commerce

International trends.

As the usage of internet has drastically Increased the business models So changed to the same extent with the help of e-commerce and are not confined to a Certain country. This has Increased competition for the advertising industry to the grave interests of the customers. If we take the developing countries China is the fastest growing economy in this field. They have made the consumers comfortable shopping online. . E-commerce has emerged as a vital tool to hold the customers and to sell worldwide

Effect of E-commerce on markets and retailers:

The internet has facilitated the customers to do a product research and find the best price for any product online there by price competition among created a various companies. The industry structure of bookshops and travel agencies has been influenced by e-commerce because of the Increased online shopping. . This helped the companies to grow larger as they can give best prices can be afforded by Which smaller companies


There are two channels for distribution Which are ?pure click? and ?brick and click?. . Many companies have shifted to these two channel systems

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Three or more Suggestions Which will Journey Anyone to Multi-level ...

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A single) With all the lack of employment fee extreme through every aspect of the us, it?s really no amaze that individuals are trying related to modern strategies to generate income. Depending on ?jobs? because of this isn?t the right course of action which is the key reason why most people are exploring the home-based Network marketing business style that can allow them to work with their unique and stay independent. Being a specialist on this home based business, it is necessary that you can know that presently there are tons of folks that happen to be influenced in the damaging means by the economic system. It is usually your decision to call that they in addition to assist them to fully grasp their unique harm. You really these discover wish inside the Network marketing business style in addition to assist them to know that every person can readily achieve the skies. Obviously, it is usually your decision to produce these individuals in addition to strategies to their unique issues.

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Home Improvement That Will Put Your Room Redesign Over ...

(ARA) ? You repainted last year, replaced all the furniture in the fall and just finished recarpeting in that room that needed a little design TLC. But you still haven?t found that final touch to put your room transformation over the top. There?s one more thing you can do, and it?s an improvement that not only makes a big visual impact, but can save energy in your home too: install skylights.

Tubular Sun Tunnel skylights, with light kits, provide light both day night and are inexpensive to buy and install.

?Skylights speak of drama, yet they?re a surprisingly cost-effective home improvement,? says Ross Vandermark, national product manager of Velux, manufacturers of the ?No-Leak Skylight.? ?In many instances, installing a skylight will cost you less than buying designer furniture or putting in new carpet. And if natural light is the touch you need to raise your room design to the next level, placing a skylight overhead is more practical and cost effective than trying to add a window to a wall.?

Colorful, energy efficient blinds add drama to your room decor when paired with venting skylights to bring natural light and passive fresh air into your home.Energy-efficient skylights are appealing home improvements on several levels. First, they create a dramatic impact by opening a room to the sky and admitting ample, healthful natural light. Second, they can impact your home?s energy efficiency by reducing dependency on artificial light sources and providing passive ventilation (if you opt for a venting skylight, which can be a great way to passively move moist air and vapors from inside a kitchen or bath).

Add accessories like manual or solar powered remote-operated blinds, and your skylights further underscore the overall design theme of your room. Blinds are available in a range of colors and patterns to complement virtually any room design, and they enhance the efficiency of the skylights by helping you control the amount of light or heat that enters or leaves your home.

While Energy Star-qualified skylights function like a window to admit light and fresh air, they?re less limiting to your overall design. Typically, skylights get installed on a blank slate ? the ceiling ? whereas adding a window would mean giving up wall space that you could use for artwork, a wall mural or other design accent.

And long gone are the days when skylights were a design feature limited to placement on the top level of your home. Now, there?s a skylight format that will work in virtually every room of your house.

Traditional skylights can still grace rooms that have direct roof access to the outdoors. But for first-floor rooms or small interior spaces like laundry rooms or closets, tubular models, like Sun Tunnel skylights, can bring natural light into your ground-floor areas.

?Few home improvements marry the dramatic design impact and energy saving boost that you get from adding skylights,? says Vandermark. ?When it comes to redesigning a room, they?re truly the touch that elevates the look and feel of your decor.?

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Emulate, Don't Eliminate, Tucson's Mexican American Studies ...

From the Annenberg Institute for School Reform

AISR Speaks Out: Commentary on Urban Education

Emulate, Don?t Eliminate, Tucson?s Mexican American Studies Program

Author: Keith Catone

For the original posting at AISR click here


An ethnic studies program that was banned by a controversial Arizona state law should be reinstated and championed as a national model of best practice.

The documentary film Precious Knowledge compellingly captures the ways in which Tucson Unified School District?s (TUSD) Mexican American Studies (MAS) program has transformed the educational experiences of many of its students. The program, a series of core academic classes taken by Tucson high school students, concentrates on Mexican American history and perspectives. The students featured in the film discuss the ways in which they were newly energized by what they experienced in MAS classrooms. They described how learning about their own history and in ways relevant to their own culture led them to be more engaged in school as a whole.

At the Annenberg Institute for School Reform, we currently support efforts to increase and deepen student-centered learning in classrooms across New England. Ensuring that learning is relevant and responsive to students? identities and their communities is at the heart of student-centered learning. This is exactly what Tucson?s MAS program strives to do.

The data tell us that this approach appears to be working. Students in the MAS program far outperformed their peers on Arizona?s state standardized tests in reading (by 45 percentage points), writing (by 59 percentage points), and math (by 33 percentage points), and they enroll in post-secondary institutions at a rate of 67 percent, well above the national average (Ginwright & Cammarota 2011). Also, pedagogies used in Tucson?s MAS classes encourage and support students to be actively involved in their communities, a strategy that has been shown to correlate with increased classroom engagement (Cammarota & Romero 2009).

Despite these successes, in January 2011 State Attorney General Tom Horne declared that the MAS program was in violation of Arizona state law HB2281. As outlined by Shawn Ginwright and Julio Cammarota (2011) in AISR?s journal Voices in Urban Education, HB2281 ? promoted by Mr. Horne and passed into law when he was state superintendent of schools in 2010 ? was specifically crafted to target TUSD?s MAS program. The law makes illegal any courses that ?(1) promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, (2) promote resentment toward a race or class of people, (3) are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group, and (4) advocate ethnic solidarity instead of treating pupils as individuals.? Teachers and students from the program have spent the past year challenging in federal court the constitutionality of HB2281 and the state?s ruling. But prior to any final court decision, on January 10, 2012, the TUSD school board voted to immediately cease MAS classes for fear of losing state education aid.

Critics of the MAS program have pointed to the use of texts like Paulo Freire?s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Rodolfo Acu?a?s Occupied America: A History of Chicanos as evidence that TUSD?s MAS program promoted radical ideas prohibited by HB2281. But these decontextualized critiques miss the fact that the classes aimed to fully embrace the historical realities and everyday experiences behind being Mexican American and utilized these qualities to develop a rich, rigorous, and engaging course of study that taught students to think critically about issues of politics, race, and identity. Rather than banning what appears to be a highly effective program, education officials and policymakers should instead concentrate their efforts on learning more about whether and how MAS might have contributed to such impressive student outcomes.

Ironically, though, the banning of Tucson?s MAS program has actually led to its widespread recognition and celebration. The controversy has generated interest from bloggers, organizations, and news outlets across the country. The American Educational Research Association passed resolutions condemning both HB2281 and the suspension of MAS classes, calling for the law?s repeal and the program?s reinstatement. Community and education activists have organized screenings of Precious Knowledge in cities across the country that have also served as fundraisers for the legal battle. Other activists have organized a four-day awareness-raising caravan carrying books that were part of the Tucson MAS curriculum and have since been banned. This week, they have traveled from Houston to Tucson, making stops along the way in San Antonio, Texas, and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

This effort, coined ?Librotraficante? (or book-trafficker), has gained endorsements from iconic authors whose books have been removed from MAS classrooms in Tucson like Sandra Cisneros (House On Mango Street) and Rudolfo Anaya (Bless Me, Ultima), who will both speak at caravan stops. Finally, in an effort to ensure that the curriculum and pedagogy practiced by the program does not disappear, the national Network of Teacher Activist Groups (TAG) has developed a curriculum guide, No History is Illegal, for teaching about what?s happening in Arizona. Nearly 1,500 educators from across the globe have pledged to teach from the curriculum guide, which includes sample lessons and materials borrowed directly from some of Tucson?s MAS teachers, plus more teaching ideas and resources developed by teachers from across the country.

What these responses make clear is that the teaching and learning practiced through Tucson?s MAS not only has the support of many, but also has the power to engage learners from all walks of life. The curriculum offers the kind of student-centered approach that we need more of in classrooms throughout the United States. If the injustices in Arizona are not rectified, then hopefully the current attention being given to Tucson?s MAS program will, at the very least, help others consider how similar programs might benefit students in their own schools and communities.

Keith Catone
Senior Research Associate, Community Organizing and Engagement
Annenberg Institute for School Reform


Cammarota, J., and A. F. Romero. 2009. ?The Social Justice Education Project: A Critically Compassionate Intellectualism for Chicana/o Students.? In Handbook of Social Justice in Education, edited by W. Ayers, T. Quinn, and D. Stovall, pp. 465?476. New York: Routledge.

Ginwright, S., and J. Cammarota. 2011. ?Youth Organizing in the Wild West: Mobilizing for Educational Justice in Arizona!? Voices in Urban Education 30, pp. 13?21.

For the original posting click here


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