Friday, March 9, 2012

'Cooking with the Colonel': New cookbook to benefit community organizations

The Henderson County High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), led by President Cody Book, created Cooking with the Colonel cookbooks this year for a fundraising event.

The recipes used in the Cooking with the Colonel cookbook were submitted by students, teachers, parents, Henderson County High School family members, and various people within the community. The computer applications classes typed all the recipes and students in the accounting classes and the student-ran Colonel?s Corner Bank proofread the Cooking with the Colonel cookbook. In addition, the graphic arts students designed the front cover of the cookbook.

FBLA?s goal with this fundraiser was to raise money to help community service events, such as Marsha?s Place Walk, Brain Injury Awareness Camp Terror on the Trail, Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Colonel?s Corner Bank Turkey of the Year, Adopt a family for Christmas, Make a Wish Foundation Stamped Letters to Santa through Macy?s, along with other service projects that the club learns about throughout the year. The cookbooks also help raise funds for participation in the regional and state business competitions.

The student organization has grown to nearly 200 students as of 2012, and continues to grow.

If you would like to help by purchasing a Cooking with the Colonel cookbook for $10, please contact Danna Robinson at or Jessica Grace at or call the school at (270)831-8800.


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