Tuesday, October 23, 2012

caner scanner: Travel And Leisure: Destination Tips Article Category

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Source: http://jesuscarlson.typepad.com/blog/2012/10/caner-scanner-travel-and-leisure-destination-tips-article-category.html

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Source: http://cayenne-chinning.blogspot.com/2012/10/caner-scanner-travel-and-leisure.html

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Alta. Tories planning 10 bills for fall session | iPolitics

EDMONTON ? Premier Alison Redford?s government plans to pass 10 bills during the fall session of the legislature, including whistleblower protection and an overhaul of the school system.

The proposed new Education Act failed to pass in the spring sitting after some critics said that including human rights rules would force parents home schooling their children to teach them values contrary to their religious beliefs.

Government house leader Dave Hancock said Monday the bill has been rewritten to remove the human rights reference but still supports the idea in spirit and in action.

?There will be some wording changes there to make it clear what we?re trying to accomplish without getting people upset about what they think government will be doing to them. So that will be clear and that will be straightforward,? Hancock said.

Hancock says whistleblower rules will allow people to come forward with concerns about programs and spending without fear of retribution or job loss.

Opposition Liberal Laurie Blakeman says while she applauds the intent, the bill will fall short.

?The whistleblowers (legislation) really just puts another administrative level in place in which you now get to go and report to someone you work with whose now been deemed to be the whistleblower officer in the same way we have (Freedom of Information and Privacy) officers. They could have done so much better,? she said.

There is also legislation to protect Albertans buying new homes and a proposal to create a single regulator for upstream energy resource activities.

The Canadian Press Email This Post?Email This Post

Source: http://www.ipolitics.ca/2012/10/22/alta-tories-planning-10-bills-for-fall-session/

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You are here: Home / General / The Antivirus Methods We Have These Days Go So Far As Supplying Us With A Myriad Of Other Functions

The antivirus methods we have these days go so far as supplying us with a myriad of other functions. While it would be nice for you to get an antivirus system that addresses all the angles, most of the time, these methods are extremely challenging to set up or challenging to discover. In the occasion you wish to get the greatest antivirus system for your computer, you can slim down the option utilizing the invaluable advice in anti virus reviews.

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Source: http://www.theyellowads.com/internet_businesses_online/the-antivirus-methods-we-have-these-days-go-so-far-as-supplying-us-with-a-myriad-of-other-functions

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Advice On And Options For Declaring Personal Bankruptcy | Siben ...

TIP! After a bankruptcy, you may still see problems getting any kind of unsecured credit. If this is so, apply for a secured card or two.

Bankruptcy filings bring both worry and relief, simultaneously. There is the need for all your finances to be exposed, and multiple people scouring your financial information. The relief is that your phone will stop ringing with harassing phone calls from debt collectors, and you can begin to rebuild your credit. Here are some great tips for making bankruptcy easier.

TIP! To repair your credit worthiness after bankruptcy, opening a new line of credit may be a good idea. This could be challenging because of your damaged credit, but you can start with secured credit cards first.

Look into the type of bankruptcy you should file for. There are a few different types. Research each type before you decide to file. Examine the good and bad points of each bankruptcy type, and ask for advice from a financial planner before making your final decision.

TIP! Don?t file for bankruptcy unless it?s absolutely necessary. Consider whether debt consolidation may be a more viable alternative.

After you decide that bankruptcy is your best option, learn as much as you can about the laws that apply to your case. Your future depends on you knowing as much as you can and you being personally involved with your bankruptcy.

TIP! Before you decide to file bankruptcy, you should think of ways to become more financially responsible. It is important not to make your debt larger just before bankruptcy.

Handling a bankruptcy intelligently is a matter of good planning; one thing you need to plan for is the possibility that your filing gets denied. If you are fully prepared prior to filing, you can better anticipate the things that could occur if you happen to be denied, such as a repossessed car or a foreclosed home.

TIP! Don?t believe the myth that declaring bankruptcy means you lose everything you own. You can keep your personal property.

Be certain that you can differentiate between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If Chapter 7 is what you file, your debts will get eliminated entirely. Any ties that you have with creditors will be dissolved. Chapter 13 bankruptcy though will make you work out a payment plan that takes 60 months to work with until the debts go away. When choosing the type of personal bankruptcy that is correct for you, it is very important that you know the differences.

TIP! When you file for bankruptcy, you should be very aware of your rights. There are unscrupulous debt collectors who may suggest that your obligations cannot be included in a bankruptcy.

Although it is tempting to toss out the idea of ever owning credit cards again, think again. Since using credit responsibly is the only way to improve your credit score, this is not such a good idea. If you don?t ever use credit, your credit history will not improve, and you may not be able to purchase important things like a home and car. You can rebuild your credit slowly, beginning with just one credit card.

TIP! Check all of your debts to ensure they will clear with bankruptcy to avoid unnecessary filing. Debts like student loans may stay in your financial history regardless.

As bankruptcy begins to appear more likely, it is likely that you will have already spoken with at least some of your existing creditors. For any agreements you make with them, always get written confirmation. If your creditors have been willing to demonstrate some flexibility, it can be very helpful to your bankruptcy proceedings; however, this is only true if you have a written record.

TIP! Write down everything that you owe. After this, you can file bankruptcy, so make sure this document is accurate.

Although you can find many bankruptcy attorneys listed in your local Yellow Pages or online, it?s best if you can find one through the personal recommendation of a friend, family member or acquaintance. There are so many dime-a-dozen companies out there who make it a practice of preying on financial desperation. You need to make sure your bankruptcy goes smoothly, so find someone you know you can trust.

TIP! Find a bankruptcy lawyer that has a good reputation in the area you live in. Ask if you can get a free consultation to find out if bankruptcy is the best option.

There are many different reasons why people choose to file for bankruptcy. No matter why you are filing, good information is needed. The information in this piece can make bankruptcy easier to handle. Make good use of these tips. You will be glad you did

Source: http://www.sibensiben.com/long-island-injury-lawyer-blog/uncategorized/advice-on-and-options-for-declaring-personal-bankruptcy-5-2-2

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Whether your goal is to bulk up or get toned, finding the right personal trainer can help make or break your fitness goals. Hiring a personal trainer means both a financial commitment and a time commitment to your health and fitness.?california personal trainer can guide you down the path to fitness by creating a specific exercise routine for you. A personal trainer should do more than just give you exercises to do.

A Personal Trainer will assess the fitness, making the goal of which is based on the assessment, design a fitness program, which progress can be measured and motivate you to stay committed to the program. The program of the Personal Trainer will set the type of training that must be followed and the type of diet and nutrition components are designed according to your lifestyle.

Each session your personal trainer will be with you to guide you and ensure that you perform each activity properly. So find a personal trainer who clicks with you personality-wise, who understands your body?s workings and needs and who can offer a lot more than just ordering you around at the gym.


Source: http://www.bitque.net/best-online-personal-trainer.html

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Romney?s final fundraiser had ?extraordinary turnout, including Latin Americans,? says Wilbur Ross (Washington Post)

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Zone Diet ? Criticism - Health and fitness

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Zone Diet - Criticismpersons whole over the world, princely ~ one creed, race or community are end aware. They be under the necessity contrasted reasons in requital for this. Some want ~ off look good, some pretend to as weight bereavement while every need at a distance succor healthy. We be able to jurisdiction people at work pettish to follow the trend. Gyms pacification diet plans are being used wholly over today. Diet plans are to be followed apocalyptic harmony afar different society pacification their potentials to loose weight.

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One diet may not deed or suit on everyone. manner Zone provender plan is a sparing in diet scheme to favor followed.

The Zone Diet does not meagrely calcuslate fat mitigation protein match blunt end relates calorie burn because well. It considers the adoption of gentle blood alternative ingredients as well to maintain a balanced subsistence. The Zone Diet will highlight the use mitigation side effects aristocratic fats proteins, and unlike others, of carbohydrates as jet. Carbohydrates influence the hormonal activities and the ruin of high rank insulin in a lecherous body. A disturbance in these belonging to the world of sense systems leads far off vital principle diseases mitigation cancers. This is that which the Zone fare takes concern of.

Zone Diet - CriticismA cincture Diet will fit ~y being being of the kind which it keeps a indemnity between fats, proteins, carbohydrates and whole choice healthy ingredients. This balancing gives a jocund development of hormonal activities along about a loss in weight.

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in spite of the unquestionableness that The Zone meat stresses in the vessel appearance consequence of carbohydrates for affective hormonal activities involving pattern hormones desire Eicosanoids what one. relates a long way off different metabolic courses but its shortage is also related wide away chubbiness and many choice diseases. Nevertheless, there is no scientific word for usage remarks suggested conformably to the stretch Diet collocation.

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Source: http://www.womenfavor.com/health-and-fitness/weight-loss/zone-diet-criticism.html

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26 Fresh Pay-Per-Click Posts You Shouldn't Miss | Unbounce


Gotta love his cheeky sarcasm. He?s right though.

What?s the biggest reason that companies using AdWords have such a massive rate of failure? ? Marketers not understanding that they should have targeted landing pages to send their campaign traffic to. You can learn in a case study below how Nike manages their campaigns, and how with all their money and (I?d imagine) talent, they are still sending paid traffic to their homepage.

Why is this so wrong you?re asking? Because the ad was about one thing, and unless you only have one product to sell ? pretty sure Nike doesn?t ? then sending people to your homepage is like playing darts in a blindfold. You?ll have no idea where your visitors will go or even if they?ll come close to your conversion target.

Oh, and you can?t miss the analysis of the presidential campaign (from both sides) about how they are managing their paid search advertising.

Critiques & Case Studies

1. A Critique of Presidential PPC: Part I ? Obama

With the Twittersphere erupting with talk of the election, there is no question that bloggers are going to write about it. And this post is solid. It evaluates Obama?s keyword selection, account structure, ad copy and landing pages. It also points out some missed opportunities. Don?t worry, this is a two-part piece and Romney is next ? just to be fair.

2. A Critique of Presidential PPC II: Mitt Romney

In the same format as the above, this post evaluates Romney?s keyword selection, account structure, ad copy and landing pages. According to this two-part post, the presidential PPC comparison has no real leader. In the comments the author, Aaron Levy comments, ?Someone needs to teach these politicians how the internet works.? Guess they have better things to do than focus on their PPC strategy ;) ? Great takeaways regardless.

3. Analysing A Real PPC Campaign ? Nike

Did you know that Nike outbids their competitors for keywords? #awesome However, they also do not have a separate landing page for each PPC campaign. #fail Read an interesting synopsis of Nike?s PPC strategies.

4. Can PPC Marketing Determine the Winner of the 2012 Presidential Election?

Yes, another presidential post on PPC. This one gives us a breakdown of PPC spending and a comparison of keyword overlap with a pretty diagram.

5. 53% of Organic Search Clicks Go to First Link [Study]

Some very interesting stats as far as PPC goes. According to the article, ?61 percent of paid search ads are displayed in the right sidebar? Yet these ads get just 13 percent of the clicks.?


6. How to Structure Your AdWords Account for Optimal Split Tests [Study]

You know over here at Unbounce we are all about the split testing. Ad 1 vs. Ad 2. Landing Page A vs. Landing Page B. You should try sending your traffic to an experiment (more than one page in a test) to see which grants you the higher conversions. You should always be optimizing your campaigns.

7. Are Your AdWords? Keywords Matching To The Best Of Their Ability?

AdWords? keyword matching isn?t perfect. But no need to worry, this post gives you some tips to keep yours in check.

8. Google?s AdWords Policy Update: What SMBs Need to Know

Everyone is well accustomed to Google?s constant changes in everything from their algorithms to their policies. Wordstream gives us the breakdown of the latest policy update and how it will affect small and medium business.

9. The Importance of Keyword Classification in PPC Marketing

This post gives a great visual example of keyword classification: Ford Truck Parts vs. F150 Truck Parts vs. Exhaust Pipes for F150 Quad Cab.

10. Empathy to Create Breakthrough PPC Ads

Being Empathic is easier said than done. I mean how do you put yourself in someone elses shoes, without actually being, well, in someone elses shoes? It may seem a bit ridiculous, but this post takes you back to high school theater class and gives you some exercises (somewhat zen-like). Channel your energy to make that breakthrough PPC ad.

11. The Battle of PPC Marketing Tools: Adwords Versus AdCenter

Google vs. Microsoft. AdWords vs. AdCenter. Which one is better? Most people would go with Google. And I would too. But this article highlights some benefits and great features for AdCenter. And the word on the street is that it?s cheaper too.

PPC on a Shoestring ? Big Tips for a Small Budget

12. 5 Critical Tips for PPC Success for Small Businesses on a Budget

What should you focus your PPC dollars on? This article reminds us to filter out negative terms that are not associated with our product. It also reminds us that there are real people behind the screens that can help: Hello customer success!

13. 4 Tips to Maximize Your Small PPC Budget

Even small businesses with a tight budget can benefit from PPC. PPC is the quickest way to reach new customers, and it?s something that even the smallest of businesses can benefit from if done properly. Here are 4 tips that will help you get a bang for your buck.

Tips, Tricks & Tactics

14. Hardcore PPC Tactics at #Pubcon

For all of those who didn?t get the chance to go to the latest PubCon marketing conference, here is a recap of ?hardcore? PPC tactics from industry leaders.

15. Tips for PPC Managers: A Round-Up of Top Posts

Excel is a wonderful thing. Especially when it comes to PPC apparently. Here is a roundup of the best Excel posts that will help you with your PPC.

16. 5 Link Building Tactics to Improve Your Local Rankings

Did you ever think that sponsoring local student clubs at universities doing things related to your industry would help you improve your local rating? Ya, this guy has got some pretty neat ideas up his sleeve that you probably haven?t thought of.

17. Chat Streamcap ? The Tricks & Treats of Halloween PPC

Awesome recap of a recent Halloween themed #PPCChat. Questions and answers all in 140 characters or less. You might want to join the next one on Tuesday at 12pm EDT, 9am PDT and 5pm in the UK. Tell them Unbounce sent ya!

18. PPC Segmentation by Mobile Device

Segmentation, segmentation, segmentation. You probably have it drilled in your brain. It is no different when it comes to mobile. Mobile-specific segmented ads lead to a significant increase in conversion rates.

19. A PPC Ad Is Not a Joke ? Frontline the Punchline

The main takeaway from this post was nicely summed up by this catchy number: ?Frontline the punchline to improve your bottom line.? Feels like it should be included in a rap song, right?

20. PPC Targeting by Customer Intent

A common description of the buying cycle is the AIDA process: Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action. By targeting your PPC campaigns and landing pages to each phase of the buying cycle, you can really take your PPC performance to the next level. This post has some great new links that cover segmenting and targeting PPC traffic.

21. Build Your Brand with PPC

?Studies on search behavior indicate that people search for specific business names near the end of a buying cycle.? This article has a great point: If your brand isn?t highly recognizable, then it is a clear indication your business could use PPC advertising.

PPC is Awesome

22. Awesome Memes Explain the Basics of PPC

Let?s be serious, Memes are hilarious. There is a reason why they are all over the internet. If you are bored from all these PPC posts, now is the time to take a break with this collection of PPC Memes. They will give you a little chuckle.

23. Top 10 Reasons It?s Good To Be In PPC

PPC Hero puts it better than I could, so to quote them directly: ?PPC is the bee?s knees. It?s trackable, scalable and profitable. PPC can also be incredibly frustrating at times because the work is never done, the credit isn?t always forthcoming and consistent stellar results have led to excellence blindness.?

PPC Mistakes

24. The Most Common PPC Management Mistakes

If you fail to stay on top of your PPC ad efforts, you may be losing traffic and more importantly, it could be hurting your bottom line. This post gives some handy tips. My favorites include: Constantly revisiting your strategy (PPC isn?t just a one-time deal) and keeping an eye out on your competition.

25. 6 Common Mistakes Professional Search Marketers Make

We have seen professionals make mistakes. Heck, we?re all human. But we can learn from the mistakes of others. This post gives us a nice list, plus some handy takeaways.

26. PPC Bloopers and Sitelinks from the Good Old Days?

Do you remember our blog post, 15 Epic Marketing Marketing Fails? Well, this is the PPC version (albeit, a bit shorter). You will no doubt shake your head, laugh or cringe.

Got any new PPC posts I missed? Then please share in the comments to build up this list.

? Oli Gardner

Source: http://unbounce.com/ppc/16-you-shouldnt-miss/

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After the party, Jason Aldean rides "Night Train" for success

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Reuters) - After kicking up a storm with the success of "My Kinda Party", country music singer Jason Aldean is feeling the pressure for "Night Train" to keep up the pace of his rising star.

Aldean, 35, scored his biggest hit to date with his fourth studio album "My Kinda Party" in 2011, which became the biggest-selling country album of the year and also hit the top five all-genre rating alongside Adele, Lady Gaga and Mumford & Sons.

For his fifth album "Night Train", released this week, Aldean told Reuters in an interview he was aware of high expectations surrounding the follow-up record.

"I tried not to add any more pressure to myself," Aldean said. "I feel like what's put us in this position is me doing the things I always have - trusting my instinct to find the best songs."

Aldean said the album's title track "Night Train" was a perfect description of his career right now. "The train is moving, and it's moving at a rapid pace."

The new album has so far been well received, with lead single "Take a Little Ride" becoming the biggest country music digital debut by a male artist in July.

It helped Aldean secure what will be the first gig by a country artist at Boston's Fenway Park in July 2013.

"Night Train" features 15 songs that range from what Aldean terms his core tunes to the ones that are a little outside the lines. One of those, "Black Tears", is about a subject not often found in a country song - an exotic dancer.

"I feel like it?s one of the most well written songs on the record, and it's probably one of the coolest sounding tracks we've ever cut on any album, dark and mysterious but real."

One of Aldean's most personal songs on the album is "Wheels Rollin'", written specifically for him by Nashville songwriters Neil Thrasher, Wendell Mobley and Hillary Lindsey.

"The song describes what it's like for all of us out there. People see you onstage and the glamorous side, but they don't see you traveling 600 miles a night, eating truck stop food and spending by yourself staring at walls," Aldean said.

"You do all of that stuff to be on stage for that hour-and-a -half, and this song sums up that reality."


Just a few short years ago, before songs like "Dirt Road Anthem," "She's Country" and "Big Green Tractor" hit the airwaves, Aldean's career was moving at a slow, steady pace.

But crossover pop-country songs like his Grammy-nominated duet "Don't You Want to Stay" with Kelly Clarkson have helped Aldean become one of the hottest commodities in the country music market.

With success comes a bigger spotlight, and the singer, who is married with two children, recently found his private life grabbing headlines after being photographed in a Hollywood bar kissing a former "American Idol" contestant, Brittany Kerr, by celebrity news outlet TMZ.com.

Both Aldean and Kerr were subjected to vitriol from fans on social media platforms and issued formal apologies to their families and friends.

Reflecting on the craziness of his career at the moment, Aldean said, "the great thing about it is, it's the place I always hoped we could get to and what I've worked this whole time for. The bad thing is, I don't take the opportunity to sit back and reflect on it as much as I should and realize how far we've come."

Georgia native Aldean has also made a stand for the small towns and residents scattered across the U.S. with tunes like "This Nothin' Town" and "The Only Way I Know".

"It's just how I grew up and something I can sing about," he said. "I feel like a lot of times mid-America gets looked down on by other parts of the country, which drives me crazy. I'm from middle Georgia and I'm proud of where I came from."

As for the crossover songs, which have brought Aldean new fans but also critics who think he is moving away from his country roots, the singer shrugs off the notion.

"I think as an artist all you can do is just go and do your thing. We were fortunate to have a couple crossovers, the duet with Kelly Clarkson and ?Dirt Road Anthem,' which brought us new fans," Aldean said.

"We cut the songs because we thought they were great songs, not because we thought we'd grab some pop fans. All you can do is go out and represent country music the best way you can, and when you get a chance to do that, make it count."

(Editing by Piya Sinha-Roy and Andrew Hay)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/party-jason-aldean-rides-night-train-success-211714051.html

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Purisima, solons deny deal with liquor firms on sin tax bill | Economy ...

Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima and members of the House of Representatives on Thursday denied having deals with liquor companies to lower the revenue that will be generated by government from an overhauled sin tax bill.
His goal as finance chief is to raise as much government revenue as possible, Purisima said.
?Klarong klaro po na ang gusto talaga ng Department of Finance ay ?yung mas mataas na amount. Kaya lang sa ating proseso, ang nag-de-determine po kung ano ang ma-a-approve ay yung legislators,? the Cabinet official said in an interview over GMA News TV?s ?News To Go.?
He brushed aside Senator Ralph Recto?s claim of a ?Purisima-San Miguel? alliance. The senator was referring to San Miguel Corp., maker of San Miguel Beer.
?Nakakatawa po lahat ng name calling na iyan. Sabi ko nga, unproductive po iyan? Kailangan po na mag-debate tayo. Kailangan po na linawin po ang ating mga points but there is still no need for name-calling,? Purisima said.

Last Monday, Recto resigned the Senate ways and means committee chairmanship after being criticized and accused of conflict of interest for endorsing a sin tax measure that would yield at least P15 billion or a fourth of the P60 billion proposed by the Finance Department.?
No secret meetings
In a newspaper report, the senator also accused officials of ?giving in? to pressure from liquor companies, since the House version passed last June recommended P33 billion in additional revenues.
Davao City Rep. Isidro Ungab, House ways and means panel chairperson, belied Recto?s claim, saying the sin tax bill was transparently deliberated upon at the lower chamber.
?All committee hearings were done in public and members of the ways and means committee as well as stakeholders were present during the deliberations.
?No secret meetings were allowed and the bill was thoroughly debated both in the committee and in the plenary,? the congressman said in a separate text message.
Recto might be using the lower chamber?s version of the measure as a ?subterfuge? to divert criticisms the senator has been receiving, said Bohol Rep. Erico Aumentado, an author of the sin tax bill at the House.
?Let Senator Recto prove his allegation. His charge is nothing new? As one of the sin taxes? co-authors, I can say with candor that there was no such capitulation by the House,? he added. ? VS, GMA News

Source: http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/278812/economy/finance/purisima-solons-deny-deal-with-liquor-firms-on-sin-tax-bill

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APNewsBreak: Questions for Medicare in outbreak

FILE - In this May 15, 2012 file photo, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius speaks in Bethesda, Md. Medicare, overseen by Sebelius' department, is coming under scrutiny in the meningitis outbreak that has rekindled doubts about the safety of the nation?s drug supply. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

FILE - In this May 15, 2012 file photo, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius speaks in Bethesda, Md. Medicare, overseen by Sebelius' department, is coming under scrutiny in the meningitis outbreak that has rekindled doubts about the safety of the nation?s drug supply. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

(AP) ? Medicare is coming under scrutiny in the meningitis outbreak that has rekindled doubts about the safety of the nation's drug supply.

The giant health insurance program for seniors long ago flagged compounded drugs produced for the mass market without oversight from the Food and Drug Administration as safety risks. In 2007, Medicare revoked coverage of compounded inhaler drugs for lung disease.

But Medicare doesn't seem to have consistently used its own legal power to deny payment, and critics say that has enabled the compounding business to flourish.

Now program officials are scrambling to find out how many Medicare beneficiaries are among the more than 250 people sickened in 16 states in a still-growing outbreak that has claimed 20 lives.

The illnesses have been linked to an injectable steroid used to treat back pain, made by the New England Compounding Center, a Massachusetts specialty pharmacy. The medication was contaminated with a fungus.

A senior lawmaker and consumer advocates are raising questions about Medicare's role, including an apparent lack of coordination between Medicare and the FDA, the two most powerful agencies within the federal Health and Human Services Department.

In response, a department spokesman says Congress needs to provide the FDA with stronger powers.

The meningitis outbreak has called attention to the role of compounding pharmacies in supplying medications routinely used by hospitals and doctors to treat patients. Regulated primarily by states, the pharmacies specialize in customizing doses for individual patients who have allergies to ingredients in an FDA-approved drug, or who might need a smaller dosage than what's available commercially. But some pharmacies have pushed into full-scale manufacturing.

Medicare has long been aware of the risks.

"By compounding drugs on a large scale, a company may be operating as a drug manufacturer within the meaning of (federal law), without complying with requirements of that law," Medicare's coverage manual, a reference for contractors that handle payments, says in a section dealing with compounded drugs.

That situation, adds the manual, fails Medicare's basic standard, that treatments must be "reasonable and necessary" in order to be covered. "This means, in the case of drugs, the FDA must approve them for marketing," says the manual.

It goes on to say that billing contractors should wait for instructions from Medicare before cutting off payment in specific cases where the FDA has determined that a company is producing compounded drugs in violation of the law.

"Medicare indicates in its own policy documents that it can cut off payments for compounded drugs produced under manufacturing-like conditions," said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who over the years has pushed for stronger government oversight of the pharmaceutical industry.

"Medicare should explain whether it uses this step, and if not, why not. Every avenue for explaining how this health crisis occurred and preventing others like it needs exploration," he added.

Joyce Lovelace of Albany, Ky., says she doesn't understand how the outbreak could have happened. Eddie Lovelace, her husband of 55 years, died of a stroke after receiving injections of the steroid implicated in the outbreak as a treatment for pain from an auto accident.

"I'm 100 percent behind not paying ... whether it's Medicare, Blue Cross, or whatever," she said. "Somebody dropped the ball and as a result my husband is gone." Eddie Lovelace, 78, a long-serving judge, was still working at the time of his death and Medicare was not his primary insurance.

Medicare officials are looking into whether the program paid for drugs that have sickened patients.

"If the FDA determines a company is producing compounded drugs in violation of (federal law), Medicare will not reimburse for drugs produced in that facility," said HHS spokesman Tait Sye. "The FDA's regulatory authority over compounding pharmacies is more limited by statute than it is for typical drug manufacturers. We urge Congress to strengthen the FDA's authority."

FDA records show that in 2006 the agency issued a warning letter to the New England Compounding Center for producing anesthetic creams, but officials were unable to say if Medicare was alerted.

In a separate case, Medicare seems to have taken sweeping action on its own without much prodding from the FDA. In 2007, Medicare stopped coverage for compounded inhalation drugs used to treat lung disease.

"Compounded drugs are not considered interchangeable with FDA-approved products," said an information bulletin at the time from Noridian, a major Medicare payment contractor. "The absence of testing for safety and effectiveness has the potential of putting a patient at increased risk of injury, illness or death."

Michael Carome, deputy director of Public Citizen's health research group, says Medicare's policy on compounded drugs seems "internally contradictory."

"They do appear to have a policy for which the default setting is that Medicare does not cover drugs that have not been approved by the FDA," said Carome. "That essentially applies to many, if not all, drugs made by compounding pharmacies."

Medicare's defenders say the agency may be reluctant to act for a number of reasons. Cutting off compounding pharmacies could aggravate drug shortages. Also it could open Medicare to a political counterattack from industry, even charges of rationing.

But Carome, a kidney specialist who once served in an HHS regulatory office, says the alternative is that compounding will continue with little federal oversight and recurring outbreaks.

If Medicare had expanded its compounding crackdown beyond just lung disease medications, "that might have prevented the widespread use of these drugs," Carome said. "Without coverage, things don't get used."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/bbd825583c8542898e6fa7d440b9febc/Article_2012-10-19-AP-US-Meningitis-Outbreak-Medicare/id-d7a4939c158e430ba609881e4ea1008b

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11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home - Babble

workingmoms 200x300 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the HomeIt took me a long time and a shiny new job, but I have to say that I L-O-V-E being a working mom these days.

I love the challenge in the office but I love that my new job is fewer hours, meaning more time with Harrison.? I love how much my kid loves his school but I also love my paycheck.

Last week, my post on why daycare rocks a box of unicorn sprinkles was syndicated on Yahoo! Shine and of course the comments came flooding in.? Mostly about how I shouldn?t have children if I can?t be with them and how selfish women like me are what is wrong with the world.? Not like it?s 2012 with women?s liberation and education and a crashing economy that requires many of us to go back to work after having babies.? That?s just the crazy in me talking, I suppose.

In response, I thought I would try and debunk some of the ?myths? surrounding women that work outside of the home:

  • thumbs istock 000003216861xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We only work for money

    There's a lot of reasons that women choose to return to work - finances, health care benefits, certifications, or just because she loves to work.


  • thumbs istock 000007732998xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We don't nurse our babies

    On the contrary, many of my working momma friends were able to establish good breastfeeding skills before returning to work.


  • thumbs istock 000011998835xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We don't pay attention to our children

    Personally, I don't get work emails on my phone. We have family dinner & we go to the park regularly. I save lunch hours to attend daycare functions, like his fall party next week. I try to not let my office life effect things that Harry wants to do.


  • thumbs istock 000012192745xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We get to pee alone

    If by "alone" you mean a mere foot from a coworker I barely know, trying not to laugh as she farts or praying someone doesn't come in after I've had Chilli 4Evah for lunch, then yes! I pee alone every day.


  • thumbs istock 000012277118xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We let someone else raise our babies

    Yes, his daycare teachers have a big role in his learning, but they were selected by me for being the best. And I do believe I'm still the one answering the 3am wake-up calls, not the daycare center.


  • thumbs istock 000014209545xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We're not nurturing

    Because only trolls could walk away from a crying toddler every day, right? It takes a lot of pep talks and tearful calls to my husband after drop-off, but I remember that I have to put on my game face before I step in the office. But not a moment goes by that I don't think of my little man.


  • thumbs istock 000016111533xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We have housekeepers

    Sure, some do! But not all of us are able to afford it, which means that I'm scrubbing floors in the evenings or on the weekends.


  • thumbs istock 000016993744xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We're miserable in our choice

    There are hard days. There are days I miss my child horribly. But there is also great personal fulfillment in employment that cannot be denied.


  • thumbs istock 000018309557xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We work because we're spoiled and want fancy clothes

    A lot of us work to afford basic necessities, like a roof over our heads and food on the table.


  • thumbs istock 000015225306xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We should have married better men with better jobs

    And your momma should have taught you better manners. I like my man just fine, thank you.


  • thumbs istock 000021519016xsmall 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

    We are stressed to the max

    Okay, this one is pretty true just because I am juggling work, motherhood, romance, house, etc. But I can still carve out time for friends and relaxation if you let me know far enough in advance!


More from BA:

Stay at home versus work at home versus working.

What I?m struggling with as a mom these days.

How I?m trying to deal with it.

Symptoms of pneumonia in toddlers.

Symptoms of Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease

The food allergy debate.

Beth Anne writes words & takes pictures at Okay, BA! You can also find her on theTwitters & Facebook.

 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home

Source: http://blogs.babble.com/toddler-times/2012/10/18/11-myths-about-mothers-who-work-outside-of-the-home/

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Shot fired into Obama campaign office in Denver


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Real Estate: South County Homes for Sale - Mehlville-Oakville, MO ...

House hunting this weekend? We've got listings from three great Patch communities: Mehlville, Affton and Sunset Hills.?

Need an agent? Find one in the Patch directory.

Mehlville Homes for Sale?

3679 Colonia Place, 2 bed 2 bath

42 Kassebaum, 2 bed 2 bath

2460 Lampong Drive, 2 bed 2 bath

Affton Homes for Sale

9804 Antonia, 3 bed 2 bath

8232 Fendale Drive, 3 bed 2 bath

Sunset Hills Homes for Sale

9811 Grandview Lake Court, 4 bed 4 bath

9616 South Geyer Road, 5 bed 5 bath

11511 Cragwold, 3 bed 5 bath, price reduced

Source: http://mehlville-oakville.patch.com/articles/real-estate-south-county-homes-for-sale

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Body encased in concrete identified as Fla. man

(AP) ? Authorities on Friday identified the body of a man who was found entombed in concrete in the backyard of a northeast Georgia home.

The man has been identified as Sean Dugas, 30, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation medical examiner's office. The body was found Monday encased in a plastic storage container filled with concrete.

Authorities this week charged twin brothers Christopher and William Cormier, 31, with murder in the death of Dugas, a former newspaper reporter in Pensacola, Fla. The Cormier brothers are also charged with concealing death.

"It's a little hard to wrap your head around it," said Kris Wernowsky, who worked at the Pensacola News Journal, where he sat next to Dugas for about three years. "I've worked there for so many years and covered many things in Florida. You never would have thought you would go to a website and click on a story about someone you know. ... It's heartbreaking."

Dugas' dreadlocks and bushy long beard helped him stand out easily in the Pensacola area on the Florida Panhandle, Wernowsky said. Dugas had covered a wide variety of topics, including breaking news and entertainment, the newspaper said on its website.

Dugas worked for the News Journal from 2005 to 2010, rising from a clerk to a police reporter.

"He was a good breaking-news reporter," Wernowsky said. "He was the type of guy who was eager and loved his job. I rarely heard about him complaining about anything."

Winder, Ga., police officer Chris Cooper said this week that medical examiners declared the death a homicide based on the number and location of the man's injuries. The autopsy revealed that the man died of blunt force trauma to the head about a month ago.

Georgia authorities on Monday arrested the twins at a home in Winder that was being rented by their father. Winder is a small city located about 45 miles northeast of Atlanta.

Police said Dugas had been reported missing and was last heard from on Aug. 27, when he made plans to have lunch with a friend the next day.

When the friend went to pick him up for the meal, he wasn't home. After trying unsuccessfully for days to reach Dugas, the friend went back to his house on Sept. 7 to find it empty. Neighbors told her a U-Haul truck had been there Sept. 3 and they saw at least one man removing things.

That man told the neighbors that Dugas had been beaten and was going to live with him, police said.

The female friend continued to try to reach Dugas before calling police on Sept. 13.

Based on information provided by Pensacola, Fla., investigators, Winder police found the body at the Georgia home being rented by the Cormier twins' father, who told police his sons had arrived from Florida about three weeks earlier. They told him they were supposed to take care of their missing friend's dog. However, they supposedly claimed they'd ended up killing the dog and burying it in their father's backyard, police said.

"There is so much that is not known," Wernowsky said. "There are so many empty spaces for a lot of us. I didn't know any of his family, and I feel sorry for their loss. What a horrible way to end your life."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-10-12-Body%20Encased%20in%20Concrete/id-0a0f71d0372948259deb78356b0c4c5d

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Illinois: DuPage County Rolls Out New $30 Million Dispatch Radio ...

By Justin Kmitch, Chicago Daily Herald

Nearly two years after approving plans for a $30 million DuPage Radio System, officials Tuesday announced its countywide launch.

The DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Radio System consists of 3,134 portable radios and 53 radio consoles in the county?s nine 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Points and allows for the melding of 60 first-responding units onto one system for the first time.

DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin said the need for such a system was never more glaring than during a Sept. 5, 2008, standoff at Wheaton Bank and Trust where a police officer was injured and 12 people were taken hostage for hours before the gunman shot himself.

?Unfortunately, the lack of interoperability between the DuPage County sheriff and Wheaton radio systems was an obstacle, as officers were forced to use hand signals as a way to communicate during the incident,? Cronin said during Tuesday?s announcement. ?This radio system will allow our DuPage County sheriff, municipal police, fire agencies and all first responders to communicate with each other and with agencies located throughout the state.?

The DuPage Radio System was operational and used during the 39th Ryder Cup at the Medinah Country Club in September.

All police departments that are members of the DuPage Emergency Telephone Safety Board that participated in the NATO conference events or activities in May also used the new portable radios to ensure seamless coverage.

The system first was used in January 2011 when 60 portable radios were rolled out for Chinese President Hu Jintao?s visit to Chicago and Woodridge.

Hinsdale police Chief Bradley Bloom, whose department is using the new radio system, called it the biggest improvement for law enforcement in the past 30 years.

?Prior to having the implementation of this radio system, we had 32 disparate radio networks and officers couldn?t always communicate across jurisdictional lines,? Bloom said. ?Today, not only can public safety communicate anywhere in the county, but we have also dramatically improved our ability to communicate during a multijurisdictional public safety response.?

Copyright ? 2012 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Source: http://psc.apcointl.org/2012/10/11/illinois-dupage-county-rolls-out-new-30-million-dispatch-radio-system/

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IHP News 190: Health Systems Global roundtable discussion ...

Dear Colleagues,

The Beijing symposium is fast approaching now. As the Emerging Voices training programme already kicks off next Monday, some members of the IHP editorial team? fly to the Chinese capital this weekend. We are all looking forward to the three weeks in Beijing. No doubt all Emerging Voices and other symposium participants will hear many times ?Beijing huanying ni!.

Normally we favour guest editorials from the Global South, but this week we made an exception and asked Tobias Gerber to introduce the upcoming World Health Summit in Berlin. Angela Merkel and Fran?ois Hollande, patrons of the high profile event, will no doubt be pleased that the EU just received the Nobel Peace Prize. Well deserved, but nobody can deny that the timing could have been better. Just ask the Greeks. It will be interesting to see how keynote speakers in Berlin as diverse as Josef Ackermann and Sir Michael Marmot interpret the health impact of austerity policies in the euro zone? and we hope global health firebrand Martin McKee, if present, will also have a word with Ackermann and co.

Enjoy your reading.

Kristof Decoster, David Hercot, Ildik? Bokros, Peter Delobelle, Basile Keugoung & Wim Van Damme




World HealthSummit? Research for Health and Sustainable Development


by Tobias Gerber, Media and Communication Manager, World Health Summit

Unhealthy lifestyles are a main cause of new epidemics like non-communicable diseases (NCDs), conditions of global concern like obesity, diabetes, and mental illness. Greater awareness of the global economic risks and human suffering related to the?epidemiological?transition, as well as sustainable solutions for healthcare systems to meet the challenge of non-communicable diseases and conditions are urgently needed.

Read the editorial here



Health Systems Global


1.??? HP&P ? Health Systems Global, the new international society for health systems research

Dan Kraushaar et al.;


HP&P features a Roundtable discussion on the new international society for Health Systems Research that will be launched inBeijing. Check out the various viewpoints on Health Systems Global and what the society?s programme should involve, including one by four Emerging Voices 2010.

To kick off the election campaign, the IHP editorial team also wrote a (slightly teasing) blog post on the issue offering some suggestions for a ?harmonious? election process (warning: do not take it too seriously?).


US & domestic & global health policy


US & domestic health care


It will come as no surprise that journals like JAMA and NEJM pay plenty of attention to the role of health care policy in theUSpresidential elections these weeks. We just flag here the various articles on domestic health care policy in both journals.

NEJM has a perspective on the shortfalls of ?Obamacare?, part of the NEJM special report on health care in the presidential election. It is argued that health care plays a bigger role than usual in the electoral clash (not exactly rocket science). In another piece, authors ponder what health care policy would look like under President Romney. JAMA also has an article on the ?Health Policy election?.

A Lancet Health Policy article explores what the health care reforms in the US and the UK could learn from each other. The UCLA center for health policy research drafted a policy note ( by S. Lavarreda et al.) on health care proposals in the 2012 presidential campaign. How do Romney and Obama differ on major components ofUS health policy, like the private insurance market, Medicare, and Medicaid.

You have the real Slim Shady, and you also have the real Mitt Romney, somewhere deep hidden. This week, the Huffington Post shed some light on the real Mitt, with an extensive article on Bain?s links with the tobacco industry, both in the US and in post-Soviet Russia. (that probably rules Mitt out for the NCD battle; even Putin makes a better champion of the cause. Unless if Mitt would consider a Clinton style ?I never had anything to do with Philip Morris? apology.)


US & global health policy


2.??? JAMA (viewpoint) ? The President?s Global Health Initiative at Midterm: ?Progress in the Balance

Eli Y. Adashi;


Given the changed environment, Adashi offers a number of recommendations for a revamped GHI. For example, focusing more on NCDs. (Romney might have a couple of interesting PPP ideas there).


3.??? Lancet (Editorial) ? The USA?s global health work: winning hearts and minds


This Lancet editorial comes back on the recent KFF report outlining the US Defense department?s work in global health. The Lancet suggests that the new Office of Global Health Diplomacy also looks into the Defense Department?s global health role. There are no recommendations for a Romney administration (but we know Rumsfeld & co already know how to win hearts and minds).

Check out also a Global Post article exploring how Romney and Obama?s HIV and PEPFAR policies might differ in the future.


4.??? CSIS report ? Improving maternal mortality and other aspects of women?s health ? the United States? global role

Phillip Nieburg;


Starting from a recent visit toTanzania(by a small CSIS delegation), this report offers some policy recommendations for long term US policy priorities on women?s health.


Global Fund


5.??? Lancet Correspondence ? The future of the Global Fund

Simon Bland;


The chairman of the GF board emphasizes the fund has re-established strong leadership and is restoring the confidence of its donors. Meanwhile, both the Global Fund (in news flash 10) and the Global Fund Observer have some articles on evolving issues (like the funding model, and the decision on the fate of AMFm) in the run-up to the Board meeting in November.


Maternal & child health


6.??? Lancet (editorial) ? ?Child health: reducing inequities


This Lancet editorial introduces a Series (already published online a few weeks ago) on inequities in child health, and how to deal with it. The Series shows what causes inequities in child health, suggests improvements, and assesses cost-effectiveness. It appears that for the same investment, a focus on the poorest communities could lead to larger reductions in child mortality and stunting than would a mainstream approach?especially in countries of lowest socioeconomic status.

Check out also the Plos collection on Maternal health. The Collection on Maternal Health provides a freely available resource of published research and commentary on maternal health care with the aim of improving access to information and encouraging more progress in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality around the world. This year?s focus is on quality of care. A number of articles have been added recently.

John May and Jean-Pierre Guengant wrote a nice blog post on the CGD blog: ?A wake up call on contraceptive rates inAfrica.? They worry, and rightly so.


7.??? First International Day of the Girl Child ? 11 October


On 17 November 2011, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution designating 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child. The first international day of the Girl Child focused on child marriage, which is a fundamental human rights violation and impacts all aspects of a girl?s life. Over 30% of girls in developing countries are married before 18 years of age; around 14% are married before the age of 15. Early marriage is a risk factor for early pregnancy and poor reproductive health outcomes. Furthermore it perpetuates the cycle of under-education and poverty. Child marriage constitutes an obstacle to the achievement of nearly every MDG and the development of healthy communities.

Sadly, the shooting of a 14-year old Pakistani girl?by the Taliban may have done more than any other humanitarian organization could have hoped to do to draw attention to this first?International Day of the Girl.

Coinciding with the Day, the global advocacy organization Women Deliver launched Catapult, ?the first online funding platform dedicated to advancing the lives of girls and women worldwide.? As girls? and women?s organizations are chronically underfunded, despite their key role in addressing inequality, harnessing the power of social networks, Catapult is intended to be the digital hub driving donations to organizations working to improve the lives of girls and women.?A new example of crowdfunding, Catapult itself is funded in part by the Gates Foundation, and is working with a variety of partners including the Global Fund for Women, UNPF, IPPF, the Akilah Institute for Women and One-Heart World-Wide. Check out their short video on how crowdfunding works.


UHC & post-2015


8.??? WHO Bulletin early online ? Anything goes on the path to universal health coverage? No.

Joe Kutzin;


WHO Bulletin has a few new ?early online? articles ready on health policy issues, so perhaps good to have a look on the website. In this Perspective, Joe Kutzin argues that the lack of a blueprint for health financing reforms (as advocated in the World Health Report 2010) was not meant to convey the message that ?anything goes? on the path to universal health coverage. Indeed, concerns have been raised that some reforms, often implemented in the name of expanding coverage, may actually compromise equity.

Meanwhile, happy flyer Richard Horton attended the IMF/WB annual meeting inTokyo, and noticed UHC was centre stage there (for the first time?). On Twitter, he posted plenty of interesting questions he intended to ask there, like ?Why is UHC sweeping the world?, what could be the role of the private sector, why should Ministries of Finance support UHC, etc. ?Yet, he also noticed world politics involves a lot more than health.

Earlier this month, in Nairobi (October 4-5), Partners in the Harmonization for Health in Africa (HHA) initiative convened as a follow-up to the recent Tunis Ministerial Conference for African Health and Finance Ministers. Regional Directors, senior representatives and a multidisciplinary group of technical experts from the HHA partner agencies used the opportunity to discuss how to further strengthen their support to countries in providing quality and affordable healthcare to African populations, particularly the under-served.


9.??? Post- 2015 ? Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda ? Call for?Papers

As we already mentioned in last week?s newsletter, WHO and Unicef are co-leading the facilitation of the global thematic consultation on health in the post-2015 development agenda. They are inviting interested individuals and groups to submit ?think pieces? on the positioning and role of health in the post-2015 agenda.

Download the call for papers?here. Manuscripts will be accepted from 5 October 2012. The final date for submissions is 15 December 2012.


Health Policy & Financing


10. Lancet (Comment) ? Measuring progress on NCDs: one goal and five targets

Robert Beaglehole et al.;


Beaglehole and the Lancet NCD Action Group propose to limit the number of priority targets to meet the global NCD mortality goal of 25% reduction by 2025 (?25 by 25?) to: tobacco control, salt reduction, treating people at high risk of CVD, reduce alcohol consumption and increase physical activity. They also urge WHO to use a population-based strategy instead of arbitrary cut-off points for hypertension and cholesterol, and call for sustained commitment and leadership to meet the predefined objectives.

WHO, on the other hand, has just published an updated draft of its Global Action Plan for Prevention and Control of NCD 2013-2020 including six objectives and multilevel actions for Member States, the WHO Secretariat, and international partners to support implementation at country level, in line with the Political Declaration of the UN High-Level Meeting of September 2011 that called upon WHO to develop a comprehensive global monitoring framework for assessing progress in the implementation of national strategies for the four main NCDs (CVD, diabetes, cancer, and chronic lung diseases):


11. Global Public Health ? ?A question of balance?: Addressing the public health impacts of multinational enterprises in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Joshua S. Yang et al.;


The global community is beginning to address NCDs, but how to increase the accountability of multinational enterprises (MNEs) for the health impacts of their products and practices remains unclear. The authors examine the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development?s (OECD) efforts to do so through voluntary MNE guidelines. They developed a historical case study of how the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises were developed and revised from 1973 to 2000 through an analysis of publicly available archived OECD and tobacco industry documents.


12. Sarah Boseley ? Indonesia in bold move to obtain cheap drugs for HIV


The Indonesian government has quietly made an order that overrides Big Pharma?s patents on seven important drugs for HIV and hepatitis B, allowing local drug companies to make cheap and affordable versions for its citizens. This could turn out to be a very influential decision, at least if it?s implemented.

In other encouraging news, Sarah Boseley reported on GSK?s decision to open up the detailed data from its clinical trials to the scrutiny of scientists in a bid to help the discovery of new medicines and end the suspicions of critics that it has secrets to hide.


13. Global Public Health ? Access to medicines, market failure and market intervention: A tale of two regimes

Owain D. Williams;


This study explores how an ?Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)/trade regime? has generated a particular set of problems regarding access to medicines despite patents on drugs being presented as economically necessary for reward and future drug innovation. These problems have also inspired and informed activities by so-called new actors in global health. This study argues that a parallel ?pro-access regime? has developed in order to correct some of the most high-profile issues associated with a dysfunctional global pharmaceutical market, especially problems regarding price and innovation that have been exacerbated by stringent global patent rights on new drugs. Therefore, the IPR/trade regime?s basic role in global-health governance diverges from how it has been framed and understood, not least of all by its constituent agents and donors. The pro-access regime encompasses new actors in health such as Global Health Partnerships, major philanthropic foundations and new access initiatives.
Check out also the book ?Access to Medicines as a human right: implications for pharmaceutical industry responsibility?.


14. BMJ (news) ? Global operation tackles internet trade in fake drugs

Jacqui Wise;


An international operation to crack down on the internet trade in counterfeit and unlicensed drugs has resulted in the seizure of ?6.5m ($10.5m) worth of pharmaceuticals worldwide and the closure of 18?000 illegal online pharmacy websites. The FT (Andrew Jack) also reported on the operation.


15. Global Public Health ? New life in old frames: HIV, development and the ?AIDS plus MDGs? approach

Marie Woodling et al.;


This article is the first critical academic analysis of the Aids plus MDGs approach. Capitalizing on this case, the authors also show the importance of framing in global health.


16. World Mental Health day

Wednesday (October 10th) was ?World Mental Health day. The World Health Organization used the occasion to call for an end to stigma against those who suffer from depression and other mental disorders. More than three-quarters of people living with mental health disorders reside in developing countries. Eight in every 10 of those living in developing nations receive no treatment at all.

A BMJ news article had some encouraging news on mental health care in LICs this week: mental health experts hailed an investment of more than $19m for projects aimed at improving mental health in developing countries. Grand Challenges Canada, a donor body funded by the Canadian government, invited proposals for projects that would increase access, improve treatment, and reduce stigma among people with mental health disorders in developing countries. The organisation has announced that 15 projects in 14 countries will share the money.


17. Gender action (report) ? Banking on Health: World Bank and African Development Bank Spending on Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS in Sub-SaharanAfrica


Gender Action recently released a new?report, titled ?Banking on Health: World Bank and African Development Bank Spending on Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa?. The report, based on fieldwork in Cameroon and Uganda, reviews World Bank and AfDB projects to highlight how good quality matters as much as high quantity in reproductive and sexual health and HIV/AIDS spending.


Global Health bits & pieces


  • The Gates foundation signed a deal with the Islamic development bank for a program to fight contagious diseases and provide food security in several countries. Check out also another article on Gates? trip in the Middle East (on the Devex website), reporting on another new partnership of the foundation (with Al Ansari Exchange) to tackle polio and neglected tropical diseases. The foundation and Al Ansari Exchange, a major foreign exchange and remittance company in the UAE, have committed $10 million over the next five years to tackle these two health challenges.
  • Speaking of neglected tropical diseases, the Financial Times had a special report? on NTDs. And the ?End the Neglect? blog reported that more than 30 African governments are taking steps towards NTD control.
  • Finally, IRIN featured a nice article on a five-day workshop on how to find the best available evidence for priority health issues in Afria.? Researchers called for the establishment of an Africa-based regional information hub to distribute scientific research on the continent?s top killer diseases, including HIV, malaria and tuberculosis.




18. Health Planning & Management ? Thinking through health capacity development for Fragile States

Annabelle Mark et al.;


The purpose of this paper is to consider capacity development for healthcare in fragile states and its roles, for example, in securing civil and political stability, as well as improved health, within the various contexts prevailing in fragile settings across the world.

Yesterday, a Medicus Mundi International Network expert meeting took place in Amsterdam, hosted by Cordaid at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), on ?HSS and conflict transformation in fragile countries?. You find many of the presentations on the MMI website. The objective of this expert meeting was to facilitate learning and information sharing on health sector initiatives that aim to improve health outcomes, contribute to longer term, sustainable health system strengthening and conflict transformation, in order to inform programming, policy, advocacy and further research.




  • The IMF World Economic Outlook was a remarkable document this year, the FT notes. The IMF sees threats from ?fiscal consolidation?, which marks an important stage in an ongoing intellectual shift. But as Krugman notes in today?s NYT, it?s not likely the Republicans will pay much attention; the same goes for their counterparts in theUK and EU. A Nobel prize will not change that.
  • This week, the Guardian reported on a UN proposal for a social safety ?Global Fund?. Epi-analysis also had a post on this and similar proposals for global social protection schemes.
  • Easterly and Sachs were both speakers at aStockholmevent ? afterwards, Easterly tweeted it had been a very peaceful encounter?
  • In an article linked to the FTT debate (where there was some encouraging news this week in the EU), the FT ?reported on Douste-Blazy?s ideas for microdonations for development programs.
  • Rwanda?seeks diaspora investment to cut its reliance on development aid.
  • Bill Gates said he will never run for office.
  • The Economist has a special report on the world economy, zooming in on the increasing within-country inequality. The magazine also offers some ?truly progressive? recommendations to do something about this inequality. A recent UNCTAD report on inclusive and balanced growth also highlighted the growing inequality, you find an overview of the key findings here.

Source: http://e.itg.be/ihp/archives/ihp-190-health-systems-global-roundtable-discussion/

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