Monday, October 22, 2012

Alta. Tories planning 10 bills for fall session | iPolitics

EDMONTON ? Premier Alison Redford?s government plans to pass 10 bills during the fall session of the legislature, including whistleblower protection and an overhaul of the school system.

The proposed new Education Act failed to pass in the spring sitting after some critics said that including human rights rules would force parents home schooling their children to teach them values contrary to their religious beliefs.

Government house leader Dave Hancock said Monday the bill has been rewritten to remove the human rights reference but still supports the idea in spirit and in action.

?There will be some wording changes there to make it clear what we?re trying to accomplish without getting people upset about what they think government will be doing to them. So that will be clear and that will be straightforward,? Hancock said.

Hancock says whistleblower rules will allow people to come forward with concerns about programs and spending without fear of retribution or job loss.

Opposition Liberal Laurie Blakeman says while she applauds the intent, the bill will fall short.

?The whistleblowers (legislation) really just puts another administrative level in place in which you now get to go and report to someone you work with whose now been deemed to be the whistleblower officer in the same way we have (Freedom of Information and Privacy) officers. They could have done so much better,? she said.

There is also legislation to protect Albertans buying new homes and a proposal to create a single regulator for upstream energy resource activities.

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