Friday, October 19, 2012

11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home - Babble

workingmoms 200x300 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the HomeIt took me a long time and a shiny new job, but I have to say that I L-O-V-E being a working mom these days.

I love the challenge in the office but I love that my new job is fewer hours, meaning more time with Harrison.? I love how much my kid loves his school but I also love my paycheck.

Last week, my post on why daycare rocks a box of unicorn sprinkles was syndicated on Yahoo! Shine and of course the comments came flooding in.? Mostly about how I shouldn?t have children if I can?t be with them and how selfish women like me are what is wrong with the world.? Not like it?s 2012 with women?s liberation and education and a crashing economy that requires many of us to go back to work after having babies.? That?s just the crazy in me talking, I suppose.

In response, I thought I would try and debunk some of the ?myths? surrounding women that work outside of the home:

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    We only work for money

    There's a lot of reasons that women choose to return to work - finances, health care benefits, certifications, or just because she loves to work.


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    We don't nurse our babies

    On the contrary, many of my working momma friends were able to establish good breastfeeding skills before returning to work.


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    We don't pay attention to our children

    Personally, I don't get work emails on my phone. We have family dinner & we go to the park regularly. I save lunch hours to attend daycare functions, like his fall party next week. I try to not let my office life effect things that Harry wants to do.


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    We get to pee alone

    If by "alone" you mean a mere foot from a coworker I barely know, trying not to laugh as she farts or praying someone doesn't come in after I've had Chilli 4Evah for lunch, then yes! I pee alone every day.


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    We let someone else raise our babies

    Yes, his daycare teachers have a big role in his learning, but they were selected by me for being the best. And I do believe I'm still the one answering the 3am wake-up calls, not the daycare center.


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    We're not nurturing

    Because only trolls could walk away from a crying toddler every day, right? It takes a lot of pep talks and tearful calls to my husband after drop-off, but I remember that I have to put on my game face before I step in the office. But not a moment goes by that I don't think of my little man.


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    We have housekeepers

    Sure, some do! But not all of us are able to afford it, which means that I'm scrubbing floors in the evenings or on the weekends.


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    We're miserable in our choice

    There are hard days. There are days I miss my child horribly. But there is also great personal fulfillment in employment that cannot be denied.


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    We work because we're spoiled and want fancy clothes

    A lot of us work to afford basic necessities, like a roof over our heads and food on the table.


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    We should have married better men with better jobs

    And your momma should have taught you better manners. I like my man just fine, thank you.


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    We are stressed to the max

    Okay, this one is pretty true just because I am juggling work, motherhood, romance, house, etc. But I can still carve out time for friends and relaxation if you let me know far enough in advance!


More from BA:

Stay at home versus work at home versus working.

What I?m struggling with as a mom these days.

How I?m trying to deal with it.

Symptoms of pneumonia in toddlers.

Symptoms of Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease

The food allergy debate.

Beth Anne writes words & takes pictures at Okay, BA! You can also find her on theTwitters & Facebook.

 11 Myths About Mothers Who Work Outside of the Home


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